Happy Belated New Year!

I rolled into the holiday season and the new year by doing jury duty on a criminal case. This was my first time serving as a juror on a criminal case, but I previously served as a juror on a civil case many years ago. The whole process was interesting and incredibly exhausting. Everybody should go through this experience. I was terrified but as I settled into the whole process, I became more accustomed. I won’t go into detail about the case or what the outcome was, but I will say our judge, the Honorable Christopher Hite was absolutely incredible and so very fair. I have so much respect for him.


Reflecting on all that I am grateful for in my life, especially this passed holiday weekend. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones. I had a lovely Thanksgiving at my cousin’s house, which I will be cherishing for many years to come.


I finally finished the portrait of a dear cat named Puddy. This was an incredibly fun and challenging drawing. I enjoyed working on all the details for hours, while listening to music through headphones. I did this drawing on my iPad pro using Procreate and the 6B pencil.

More Catober!

Catober was lots of fun and a great challenge! I did not have time to participate in it every day but the majority of the days I was able to. Here are a few more of my favorites sketches that I completed the second half of the month.

Internet cat
Robot cat
Sushi cat


I have been participating in the Catober drawing challenge on Instagram and it has been extremely fun! Each day there is a word assigned along with the word “cat” and you need to come up with a drawing for that word. These drawings are small, only 3×3 inches. Here are some of my favorite drawings thus far.

Coffee cat
Lucky cat
Forest cat, dedicated to my dad who loved working among the forests as a logger.

Fencing Problems…

This illustration came to mind when I was hiking up in Lake County, California. I saw this fence post keeled over on the ground, the other fence posts standing robustly, the barbwire fence in total disarray and the distinct sound of a frog croaking nearby.